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How to use the Live Departures feature

22 April 2024 by James

One of the key features of is the live departures and arrivals function. It allows you see the next departures from any UK station. 


At the top of the home page, you will see a Live Departures card. Select the input and begin typing the name of your station, then select it from the list of matching stations. You can also enter the three-letter code if you know it, e.g. LST for London Liverpool Street.


You can also find live departures and arrivals by going to the dedicated page, accessible via the top menu, or by following this link:


After you've selected a station, you'll be taken to the departures page. It should look something like this:



You can click on a service to see more details about it. This includes its timetable, current location, onboard facilities and much more. The service details page looks like this:



With an account, you can save stations to your favourites.


And that's it! If you need further help, try another article or drop us an email.




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